Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One of those days....

Please tell me I am not the only one who has these days....the day that anyone and anyone gets under your skin.  Even I myself am getting under my own skin today.  Is it the weather?  Is it my hormones?  Is it just me?  It's one of those days I really need to be encouraged and loved on and yet I can't seem to get a hold of anyone...surprise, surprise.  Pretty sure that is the Lord saying, "Jill, come to me, I will give you rest, I will hold you, I will give you all that you need."

I am such a human of touch that sometimes hearing a voice or a hug or just anything AUDIBLE helps me.  I think that is why I feel so disconnected sometimes.  I can't hear the Lord and I can't physically feel His touch...but I HAVE TO BELIEVE HE is really there and holding me. 

Just breathe.....

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